Det verkliga sången...
...som ackompanjerade Fuglesang och de andras avfärd i natt. Bra val! Blur: Song2 I got my head checked By a jumbo jet It wasn't easy But nothing is, no Woo hoo When I feel heavy metal Woo hoo When I'm pins and needles Woo hoo When I'm down and I'm easy All of the time But I'm never sure Why I need you Pleased to meet you I kept my head down When I was young It's not my problem It's not my problem Woo hoo When I feel heavy metal Woo hoo When I'm pins and needles Woo hoo When I'm down and I'm easy All of the time But I'm never sure Why I need you Pleased to meet you Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Andra skriver intressant om Christer Fuglesang, Blur, Song2. |
Kommentarer om "Det verkliga sången..."
Tycker också att det var lysande. Äntligen har rymden frigjort sig fråna Jean-Michel Jarre!